Tuesday, April 19, 2011

~ yang mana satu nak pilih? ~

salam and hye.

sorry for a very very long pause in posting entry. sometimes kita kena bagi masa untuk diri sendiri juga. i mean muhasabah diri. im getting bored posting the same entry each day. and some assignments required my full attention. so due to the priority, i terpaksa let go blog for a moment. i need time to rebranding back my blog. (ecehhhhhhh). HAHA.

actually i nak masuk satu contest ni. nama contest tu my outfit inspiration. ajuran blogshop KZnabihah Boutique yang famous amous tu. tapi masalahnya i tak tahu nak pilih gambar yang mana satu. maklum lah semua gambar cantik cantik. HAHAHA. u all boleh kan tolong pilih untuk i?. :))

gambar 1

gambar 2

gambar 3

ada orang tu pinggang tak ramping pun pakai kebaya.

okay readers semua. tolong ek i pilih. gambar yang paling banyak dipilih i akan hantar untu join. lepas tu i nak suruh u all ramai ramai vote i. voleyyy? HAHA. kan nama contest ni my outfit inspiration kan. so kena la ada inspirasi daripada seseorang kan gaya ni. tau tak siapa inspirasi i tuuu?. hehe.

jeng jeng jeng

dato' siti. :))

cantik kan siti. siapa kata tak cantik kau semua jeles. HAHA. ingat nak berinspirasikan lady gaga tadi. pikir pikir balik. nauzubillahhhhhh. hehe. dont forget to tell me to choose yang mana satu k. feel free to drop a comment. :))



aNiss :):) said...

gambar 1 nampak lebih stylo... actually, semua nampak cantek! tapi kalau aniss, suka no.1... gud luck sis =)

NARDtheNERD said...

aniss :):)

okay noted. thanks aniss dear. :)

zino said...

pilih no. 1 juga..

NARDtheNERD said...


okay thanks zino. :)

kema said...

suka no. 2..manja2 auww

NARDtheNERD said...


ok thanks kema. pic1=2vote, pic2=1vote. ehehe. :)

cik fikaa said...

; nice .

NARDtheNERD said...

missh aryeika


Admin said...

No. 2...hehe...simple..

NARDtheNERD said...


hehe. thanks. pic1 n pic 2 dah 2 vote. :)

miss Fyqa said...

dear, i suka yang no 2.


Obat Sakit 2011 said...

aku pilih kamu saja gan

NARDtheNERD said...

miss fyqa

thanks dear. ehehe. pic1=2 pic2=3 pic3=1. :))

obat sakit 2011

haha. mana boleh.. :P

aNiss :):) said...

no 1 jugak!! ngee =)

NARDtheNERD said...


haha. okay dear.. :)

Saleho said...

gambar nomor 3 itu boleh juga gan lebih cerah gan

NARDtheNERD said...

obat skit 2011

thanks bro. :)
pic1=2 pic2=3 pic3=2.

kurus said...

semua cantik dik .. yg nampak sopan dan bergaya itu pilihan akak .. soo cube teka akak pilih yg mana :)

NARDtheNERD said...


alamak akak..tak dpt agak la mne satu..
hee. :)

m!3yr4h_LolLy said...

no 1 lagi gojes kot u.. ;)

NARDtheNERD said...

mieyrah lolly

ok dear thanks.. :)
pic1=3 pic2=3 pic3=2.

thomas said...

Gambar yg first ok.

me is aku said...

the 3rd pic look good for me

NARDtheNERD said...


okay thanks alot thomas..

me is aku

okay noted dear. thanks.. :)

pic1=4 pic2=3 pic3=3.

nurul rasya said...

suka gambar 4.

NARDtheNERD said...



caliph shuriken said...

dok fokus tgk pic siti jaa ni, hukk...

NARDtheNERD said...

caliph shuriken

apa usha bini orang bhai?? HAHA

nasri said...

gmbar no 1 nmpak cntik.. sebabnya?? angle shoot yg terbaik dari yg lain.. exposure colour pn oke.. posing ranggi.. definitely no 1.. =)
tp nnt rotate la gmba tu.. terkehel leher da nie..huu =P

Caliph of Allah said...

gambar 1..chantekk

ghost said...

kena pilih ker...ok,picca no 1.

mak eii...gaya sakan no.ada kawan saya suka sangat kalau pompuan pakai kebaya,tapi yang awek lar,mak dara dia tak suka...haha

NARDtheNERD said...


tenkiu nasri. ehehe. nnt i rotate. :P


ok thanks a lot kulat. :)

ghost writer

tak suka mak dara?. rozita che wan pki tak suka??. tipu tipu tipu. HAHA.

pic1=7 pic2=3 pic3=3.

Kik0 ♥ QiLaH said...

no 3 = kurus dr no 1 n 2. hiks

pecaya pada diri dgn harapan dan keyakinannnn....

rafina mimi abdullah said...

gambar nombor 3 paling comel :)

NARDtheNERD said...

nur aqilah

i bukan suh pilih yg mana kurus. hehe. btw. thanks...

mrs. sabri

thank you sis. :))

pic1=7 pic2=3 pic3=5.

Wanie said...

no 3=)

NARDtheNERD said...


okay thanks dear. :)

pic1=7 pic2=3 pic3=6.

Super Ummi said...

macam suka no 2 & 3.. no 3 better kot.

NARDtheNERD said...

miss sunshine

ok thanks dear. :))

pic1=7 pic2=3 pic3=7.

Obat Sakit 2011 said...

apapun yang terjadi tetap pilih kamu saja gan ya hehe

NARDtheNERD said...

obat sakit 2011


Unknown said...

no 1 nmpk lebih ayu sikit

NARDtheNERD said...

nick irfan

okay thanks adik mmg akak pilih no 1 pun.. :)

wAN zAKiYah.... said...

santik.....rambang mata nihh.... no 2 lg better awwww....but the choice is urs.....gud luck bebeh....

Unknown said...

gambar 2...
sbb angle pic tue best sket:)

NARDtheNERD said...

wan zakiyah

hehe..thanks i dah sen no 1 la dear.. :)


hehe..thanks tau..i dah send contest pic no.2 hee.

anumuchan said...

Salam.bw here^^ nice blog :)
Feel free to visit me @ frommetoyou~

say to easy=) said...

sy pilih pic no 1!!!!lawa tau x!!:)
good luck yeah :)