hallluuuuuuuu to all...*cehh bukan nak bg salam*...teehehehe~...cam gini....arini sangat penat menyiapkan SPE...*solid phase extraction*...sgt2 penat...and the best part is...we pecahh kan volumetric flask 100ml...bukan satu tapi empat...ouh ouh~....hehe..since umt are so kedekut to us...pecahhkan radas is a way to pay them a revenge...yes!...
okayy...for entry kali ni...i would like to tell all of u....all the shirt yang i baru beli secara online..just now~...*i really2 mean now!...baru je bayar duit kat they all...kul 4 td tau...*...ngeeee~...
~ni akan menjadi milikku lusa~
amacam?...cun tak?...teehehehe~...rase cam tak sabar nak pakai....cam comell gilerr...da lah lambat lagi nak balik...besabar naddy...hehe~...bukan ini saja yang dibeli...byk lg...hehe...tolonglah...shopping ni mmg besh!....*dasar perempuan*....haha
~yang belah dalam tu i punye~
comell kan...ade renda2...hehe...tak tahan nafsu tengok...sgt comell n sweet...i grab baby pink...ishishish....tak sabar nye nak pakai...hemohemohemo...singlet tu tak beli la pulak...takut tak muat...eehehehe~..kang klu beli...ketat sendat padat pulakk...
bukan ini sahaja...sy juge membeli underwear...whooopss...i can show the pic here...nnt bile org jumpe i...tebayang-bayang pulak i pakai that under wear...hehe...and lagi satu legging...i can upload the pic...sbb once i grab from that blogshop...lappy ku akan btau..'can save the image because the image have infected'...okayy wat ever...hehe...
emmm...sumbody plis stop me...because im addicted to online shopping...gilerlah....for all this stuff..i habesh about hundred over...including the postage fee..well done naddy!!...pheewww~
JJCM edisi Nasi Padang : Padangs On Wheels
1 hour ago
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